What is a New Paradigm?
Announcement! Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the 2nd died on Thursday 8th September 2022. R.I.P. God Save The King!
Tipu Sultan's books "The Best Dreamers" and "Games We Men Play" now available on Amazon worldwide.
“A New Paradigm, New Paradigm, New Paradigmism, New Paradigmist is a new philosophy discovered by Tipu Sultan a British philosopher. It is an advance and progression of/on Postmodernism, it is partly based on Logical Positivism and American Pragmatism. It is a search and exploration for in science new quanta, in religion,culture, business, arts and sports new and progressive ideologies and methodologies.”
“First there was modernism and modernity shaped the world and is very much a driving factor in science and the arts, then there was post modernism which also affects science and the arts and then came along New Paradigm and New Paradigmism is a reaction and addition to Post modernity and the questions of postmodernism. It is in fact a progressive new philosophy based on modernism and postmodernism; it’s about the search for the top level singularity in science, a new particle doesn’t necessarily equate to a new paradise yet paradise is partly its basis; a paradise we are able to mould and shape to our needs. The grass is or is not greener on the other side of the field, it just is green and it is there for us to shape, thus New Paradigmism encourages exploration and growth in the same sector or new areas of space and time.”